We have some exciting plans to share with you!
For some time now we have been aware that our farm building (which was built back in 1987 when Acorn Farm was created) is no longer suitable for the number of visitors which we now receive. So we have ambitious plans to build a new “farm hub” which among other facilities will provide a much larger shop and cafe and better toilet facilities with improved accessibility for all (Visitors, service users and staff)
Now seems to be the right time to try to make this long held dream into a reality.
KMBC who are our landlords have for a number of years wanted to reconfigure our farm site by relocating the Moses paddocks to an adjoining site. This in turn would release the current Moses paddocks site and adjacent fields for commercial development which will bring much needed income into the Borough.
Following much discussion, it was agreed that if Acorn Farm agreed to this then KMBC would fund the installation of the services and facilities currently on the Moses paddocks onto the new site. This includes paddocks,fences,animal shelters,paths and the water supply) As our lease didn’t have long to run, we thought we had better agree!
We are nearly ready to move some of our animals on to the new site. KMBC have been very accommodating in extending the date as to when this move needs to take place and we are grateful to them for this.
Meantime we have had plans drawn up for our new farm hub building. DKArchitects in Liverpool have been extremely generous with their time and expertise in helping us to develop our ideas and incorporate them into the building design.
If you would like to see the proposed design, please see the link below.
Once you have viewed the design we would be very interested to receive your feedback and suggestions.
BUT (there is always a but!)
We need to raise a substantial sum of money before our dream can come true.
It has always been our philosophy to keep all of our charges to a minimum so that EVERYONE can afford to visit Acorn Farm and give their kids a great day out. However, this means that we don’t generate large profits which can be invested back into the farm to fund improvements.
If you would like to help us fundraise to reach our target, we would be so grateful. Please contact Becky on admin@acornfarm.co.uk with your ideas.
Together we can safeguard the future of Acorn Farm so that we can continue to serve the community for generations to come.